Daily Nuggets of faith: Love in Action


Christ showed his love for us by dying for sinners. He went all the way to the cross to give us opportunity for holiness and eternal life. Our love is real to the extent that we have imbibed this kind of Christ-like love. A love that makes eternal life present in us. Our actions edifies our neighbours and treats them as co heirs of eternal life by enabling their material welfare and spiritual good (1 John 3:14-18). Jesus teaches also that our love must not be reactionary but consistent with God's who allows the sun to shine on the good and bad alike. Thus, "love your enemy and pray for them" (Luke 6:27-38). Hard as it may seem, we must strive to  love them as Jesus did (John 13:34). The more we are united with Jesus through his word and the indwelling holy spirit, the  more capable we are of his kind of love that manifests itself in action. Our blessing lies much in our reverence for this command of God (Psalms 33:2-11).May we all make our love real especially, in this season of giving by striving to live out our love like Jesus did. Amen!

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PRAYER: Holy father, we thank you for your love which you made manifest inn Jesus. You have shown through him what love is all about. Grant that we, to whom you have released your holy spirit, will live out our lives in your footsteps. Help us to love in deed and not in word alone, deceiving ourselves. We make this prayer in the name of your divine son Jesus, Amen! 


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