Text: Jeremiah 48:1-24

We've returned again to studies from the book of Jeremiah where we left off in the month  of May. We thank God who daily loads us with benefits from his word. May I quickly remind us that these lessons are coming to equip us, teach us and prepare us. Take time regularly to go back to these studies to see whether you're imbibing them and changing your life where necessary. 

In our study today, Moab is being judged. God is done  punishing Israel, now He turns to the other surrounding nations. Judgement surely will begin first at the altar. For, "to whom much is given much is required". 

Moab from origin is evil. Their generations was birthed from an unwholesome sexual practice. They had remained an opposite force against Israel despite the familial relationship. They joined other surrounding nations to mock Israel. King Balak had earlier conscripted Balaam to lay  curse on  them (on their way to the promised land. As if that wasn't enough, they caused Israel to commit immorality which led to death of 24000 people in one day  (Numbers 22-25).  

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God is the owner of the universe. He punishes sin wherever it is found. Moab and other nations around Israel might feel safe from God's wrath. They might conclude that Israel's captivity is their own making. They might feel so righteous and attribute Israel suffering to her disobedience. God only needed to discipline Jerusalem and Judah first before he goes out to other nations. 

Moab and all of her pride and riches is coming down. Her goddess Chemosh, in which it trusts while  neglecting God almighty, will face a disgrace. All the mighty cities radiating with glory and wealth are crashing down. Where is your boast? Where is your trust? If you trust in riches, it will grow wings and fly away. If you're so proud of your achievements, God will loose all the structures till no stone is left on top of the other. 

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Many nations of the world are like Moab. At the fullness of wealth they neglect God and repudiate his laws. Let us remember the glory of Rome, which is n o more. The glory of United Kingdom which is not and the glory of  the United States of America which is fading. One thing is common: each nation began to rise when God is at the centre of all they do.  At the fullness of their glory they depart from Him; what follows is judgement. Moab is being judged today because of their pride and arrogance.

May we not be caught in this cycle of human nature. We who are in the know about God's principles and his ways of operation should never allow pride to take us away from God.

Watch this short video for more insight.

See Also today's early morning worship here


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