There are only two ways to be in God's will. One way is to do exactly what He's asked you to do even when you don't want to; the other way is not doing what He's asked you not to do even when you desperately want to. In John 10:27 Jesus said
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me".
And in Matthew 7:26 - "Anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish like a person who builds a house on sand".
So, how do we go about doing what God wants us to do and avoiding what He's asked us not to do?
Here are two ways of doing this:
When you sense a pressure or a persistent nudging in your spirit to do something in a particular way, to carry out an action or to avoid a certain company - do not make the mistake of shrugging it off. If you are being led by the holy spirit, it's an indication that God is giving you a signal. Get on your knees and pray specifically over the matter. God will speak more clearly and you must act promptly. This could be in your business, your job, over a relationship or in your family. Delay can be disastrous if you fail. He's promised in Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you"
A blessing may turn into a curse if we decide to do something when God said no to it, especially, through his written word, the bible. This does not mean we should become paralyzed with fear of making mistakes. It simply means that we have to be wise Christians. We must be serious with our decision to live the rest of our lives in obedience to biblical principles. These principles are often at variance with the demands of our own desire. At such occasions, we must be deliberately choose God's will over ours for our own good. Many people have had reasons to regret their choice of a life partner, a career, a place of residence etc, due to outright rejection of biblical guidelines on such issues. Nevertheless, God's steadfast love and mercy is sufficient. Even if we've made wrong choices, he can still get us right back on track. We only need to repent and commit them to him in prayer. Yet, it's always better to obey God at first instance than having him deliver us from a painful experience.
Read Also: How to know God's will for my life
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