DAILY GUIDE DEVOTIONAL: "For the sake of my servant David" (Watch Video)

Text: 1 Kings 11:26-43

It was Solomon in Ecclesiastics that said "better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof". Ironically, his end can't be said to be better than his beginning. The passage shows us how his tenure of 40 years came to an abysmal end with a curse upon his generation instead of a blessing. He inherited righteousness but bequeathed apostasy. God is not a respecter of any man. To the merciful he shows himself merciful and with the crooked he shows himself shrewd. In yesterday's reading two foreign enemies were raised against Solomon. Today, an internal enemy has arisen in the person of Jeroboam. Solomon rejected God and his majestic kingdom came crashing down. Never you make the mistake of thinking that all you have achieved is because of your greatness and wisdom. It is all by Grace. Once you break an hedge; the serpent will bite.

God always remembers his mercy even in judgement. He promised that the whole kingdom will not be torn away from the David's descendants. He looked beyond Solomon's sins to remember David's faithfulness. As a result, he still left two tribes in the care of his descendants, so that he will always have a man sit on David's throne forever. Nevertheless, God will not condone any sin. He carefully warned Jeroboam also to "walk in his ways and keep his statutes" (verse 38). Time shall tell whether Jeroboam will obey. Solomon showed the level of his fall. Even though God had warned him about the coming judgement he still sought to kill Jeroboam; just the way Saul tried to eliminate his own father David. 

Why Did God Allow Solomon to marry 1,000 wives and concubines?

Read also: Solomon Loved many strange women

Our lesson: we cannot eat our cake and have it. If we have started out in the spirit let us also finish well in the spirit. Disobedience cuts a man's ministry short. If you think you've grown so big, that you can do without God, then, look at the life of Solomon again and have a rethink. May God keep us focused till the end in Jesus name. Amen!


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