Today's Verse for Meditation and memorization is Romans 13:10

Love does no harm to a neighbour, therefore, love is the fulfilment of the law (NKJV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse

The law given through Moses on mount Sinai to which the Jews religiously adhered for salvation and acceptance is briefly summarized in this one sentence. Love does no harm to a neighbour therefore it fulfils the whole law. In Mathew 22:37, this was the answer Jesus gave to those who asked "which is the greatest commandment?" He answered that to love God and our fellow man as ourselves is where all the laws and the prophets hung.

Christianity is entirely a walk in love. It is love unmerited that Jesus poured out when he died on the cross. John 15:13 "greater love has no man than this than to lay down his life for his friends".

Love is patient, kind, longsuffering, humble, not easily provoked, does not seek her own, is not boastful, does not rejoice in evil, does not envy, it endures all things. (1Corinthians 13)

There's only one barometer to measure our Christianity: our heart of love. We cannot claim to know God if we are not walking in love.  All our services to God will amount to nothing if we do not have genuine love for our fellow human being. 1John 4:7-8...everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love. Love is the bond of perfection. Without this fruit of the holy spirit all our efforts at preaching or serving God is a waste. Being a mature christian simply means being made perfect in love.

PRAYER: father, you are love. You demonstrated who you are in JESUS. And you've told us that anyone who does not love is not yet born of God. Please pour out this heart of yours into us. Melt our hardened hearts and grant us grace to love you and our neighbour the way you want. This we ask in Jesus name, Amen!


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