This morning father, we come before you in prayer. Your word says in Mathew 7:7 "ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, Knock and the door shall be opened up for you, for anyone who asks receives, anyone who seeks finds and for any who knocks the door shall be opened. Trusting on your word I've come to seek your face. I am also seeking for your hand Lord. I need you to bless every man and woman who will visit this blog today and join in this prayer.
We need your hand upon our lives. We need your touch upon our health, our marriages, our finances, our businesses. We need a touch of your finger upon our spirit man. We need a huge outpouring of your spirit. The land is dry and the heavens seems shut up. We are left forlorn with no revival. The land beneath us is like dried iron and the heaven above us is brass. There is no rest lord, fear looms on every side. There is no progress, uncertainties abounds within and without. In fact, we are totally weighed down, the future looks bleak and there is no one to turn to for help.
So this morning father. I don't want beat around the bush. We don't want to remain at this same place anymore. There is an agitation in my spirit I cannot deny. I need a change. I want your touch, We have had the mercy drops long enough father. Right now, I want it to rain. Let it rain lord; let it rain. Let there be a down pour!! Open up the floodgate of heaven lord and let the lives of your children be watered. Let the green leaves sprout again and let this dryness frizzle away.