Bible Verse for meditation and memorization is Philippians 4:9

those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do and the God of peace shall be with you. (KJV)

Thought on Today's verse

Paul first gave similar injunctions in Philippians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 11:1. It was also mentioned in Hebrews 6:12. Paul having come to Christ in the dramatic way he did, left every other thing and followed Christ totally. His reasoning, words and actions portrayed the mind of Christ. He could boldly tell his disciples to learn from him and imitate him even  as he has learned from Jesus and imitates him. Paul wasn't bagging or showing off. He knew the mandate he has received and having done all he stands tall. Our major focus is to become more like Jesus progressively in every area of our lives. Jesus must remain our role model and we can only imitate anyone else just as they are imitating Christ.

PRAYER: father, you have made me a light to the world and the salt of the earth. My life ought to be a shinning example to the dark world around me. Grant me lord the grace to live each day in such  a way  that anyone around me will not be mistaken about whose image I carry. I ask this in the name of your loving son Jesus. Amen


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