Bible Verse for Memorization and Meditation today is 1Peter 3:12

"For the eyes of the lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the lord is against those who do evil"

Thoughts on Today's Verse

It is very easy to see that God is interested in the lives of those that love and honour him. He gives them his attention. His eyes watches over them and his ears are attentive to everything they wish to say. On the contrary, he shuns the unrighteous and evil men. We cannot deceive God, Satan or ourselves.  God cannot associate with anyone who breaks his law in any form, many people go to church but they live in total disregard to the word of God.  Such people should know that their Prayers will not receive answers from God. They should, therefore, repent and be restored.

PRAYER: Father its a wonderful thing to know that you re interested in me. Your eyes watch over me and your ears hear me. Thank you for this blessed assurance. Keep me continually in awe of your word that I may never lose your attention through Christ Jesus, Amen.


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