Solomon had become king and his kingdom had become firmly established. All the perceived threats to the throne had been dealt with. Thanksgiving was therefore in order. Solomon displayed a grateful heart by offering a thousand bulls. There is a lesson for us here. July has come to an end and today we are privileged to witness the eight month of the year. What should our attitude be?
God showed that he values a grateful heart. Solomon's offering opened heavens for him. God paid him a visit at the night time. He was offered an open cheque to write whatever he will. Solomon asked instead for wisdom. He was more worried about how to rule God's people in fairness and justice than how much he would acquire from his services as the king. Now that made God doubly pleased with Solomon. He received double; the wisest man the world had ever known and also the richest the world would ever have. What a wise God we serve.
When he said in Matt 6:33 seek you first the kingdom of heaven and every other thing shall be added unto you. We feel that we need to add anything to this injunction. God is a respecter of his words. In psalms 27:8, we see, "when you said seek my face, my heart said to you, your face O lord will I seek" God is the alpha and the omega. He knows the in and out of the future. He holds it in his hands. He knows already all the roads we will pass in the course of this new month, what good things and calamities that would befall us. He also knows how the spiritual realm works. He knows what we can do to secure deliverance from those dangerous unforseen circumstances. He knows that trusting in him and seeking him first above all else is the only solution to those things we can't handle. Why can't we trust him and do his bidding with all our hearts. Why can't we learn to trust this God and pursue his will above every other thing.
Solomon showed God his loyalty an God elevated him beyond his wildest imagination. The dream is where you cannot pretend. We may change a prayer because someone is listening. God accosted Solomon at the place where his true desire will be brought to the fore and look at how praiseworthy his heart talks were. Is your heart filled with such worthy thoughts?? Ask God today to fill your heart with thoughts about heaven for where your real treasure is that is where your heart will be also. May God grant us a glorious eight month of the year in Jesus name, Amen!