AWAKE THE DAWN WITH ELIJAH OYELADE: "Rid me of those things"
I want us to begin this new week in humility. Serving God is one area of our lives that we fail to give the kind of prior attention it rightly deserves. We know that God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity (Habakuk 1:13) In the song of Solomon 2:15 we hear Solomon praying, "take from us the little foxes that spoil the vines for our vines have tender grapes". God demands in 1Peter1:16, that we be holy as he is holy. Sadly, We all fall short.
This morning, being the day of the lord for rest and worship, I'll like us to reflect on how we've lived our lives this past week. Have we been the living sacrifices he demanded of us in Romans 12:1-2. Have we lived surrendered lives in his service. Did we bring every thought, every action, every decision into obedience? God is interested in the minutest detail of the lives of those he's called and set apart unto his own glory.
Therefore as we sing with our brother Elijah Oyelade, on this new song; "Rid me of those things " let us meditatively repent of any known sins, ask for His grace to lay aside every weight and the sins that so easily beset us, as we run this race set before us patiently and consistently.
PRAYER: Thank you father for your loving kindness and mercy. It is of your mercies that we are not consumed. On account of our sins we can't come close. We confess our sins and shortcomings this early morning lord, and we ask for your grace to keep us sanctified as we usher in this week. Let our lives be shinning examples to the world around us to your own glory. This we ask in the name of Jesus our risen lord, Amen!
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