DAILY GUIDE DEVOTIONAL: For the Sake of Your Father

Text: 2 Samuel 9:1-13

One good turn they say, deserves another. David and Jonathan were friends. Their relationship was more intimate than that bound by family ties. This goes to prove more that relationships are formed by the heart and not necessarily by any tangible natural bond. Out of the house of Saul, it was this relationship of David and Jonathan that paved way for the descendants of Saul to be remembered for good. 

David suffered in the hands of Saul but his suffering could have been worse if not for his friendship with Jonathan. It was Jonathan who stuck out his neck to find out what the real intention of his father, Saul was towards David and carefully warned David to run for  his life (1 Samuel 19). Despite the fact that Jonathan knew that he couldn't ascend the throne if David was to become king yet, he prefers to see his friend successful than holding on to family titles. Where can we find such friendship today?

David is finally  established on the throne of Israel against all the evils of Saul. Is it a surprise that only Jonathan's household was remembered out of all of Saul's children? It is good to be good. Let us continue to do good to all that come our way because it distinguishes us as the children of God and also prepares a great reward for us if we do not faint in doing good. The way and manner of the reward, we may not know but it will surely come both here and hereafter.

The Friendship of Jonathan and David set us a classical example of the kind of friendship we have with JESUS. It's a friendship that cost him his throne and his life. He gave his all and also of himself just to make us his friends. With this friendship received he has also given us his name, his nature and his heritage for us to enjoy with him. 

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God I prayer

May we learn from today that Jesus is our well beloved. He appreciates us more than we may ever know and  He is always near to us. May we stop seeing him as a far away God. He wants to share in our lives and make it better. Let us learn that he is our kin and may this kindred spirit keep us always united to him as our friend and as our living saviour. Thank you  precious father for giving us a dear friend like Jesus. 


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