AFTERNOON PRAISE: Let the living waters flow over my soul

As believers journeying through life, we cannot go far without the spirit of grace that Jesus pours on us moment by moment. Satan uses every means possible to distract us on this journey of faith. But our victory lies in the victory of Jesus. He has come to give us life even more abundantly. In John 15 he gives an illustration of our  relationship with him. It is likened to a tree and its branches. Once a branch is cut from the main tree it withers away. We must therefore remain united with him if we Hope to achieve victory.

John 15:4
Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself, it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me

Let this mind be in us as we take our daily journey.  we must find a way to ensure this moment by moment communion; continuous, unfettered worship in as we live out our daily lives. This is what walking in the spirit means and this alone guarantees a victorious Christian living.

Let us join Reverend Jimmy Lee Swaggart on this prayer for another refreshing moment with the holy spirit.


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